Fortune's Pharmacy

Cholesterol & Diabetes Screening

Cholesterol and Diabetes Screening


Cholesterol is a waxy fatty substance needed for certain important functions in the body.  Unfortunately, high levels of cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.  Cholesterol does this by sticking to blood vessels to form plaques.

Most cholesterol in the body is made by the liver.  We do get some cholesterol in our diet from foods such as eggs, liver and shellfish.  Diets high in saturated fats can be associated with excess cholesterol production.

Our cholesterol screening test takes just a few minutes.  You do not need to fast before this test but we ask you to avoid using hand creams. We will take some details from you and obtain your signed consent before taking a small blood sample from your finger.  Analysis of  this sample shows your –

  • Total Cholesterol
  • HDL (good) Choleserol
  • LDL (bad) Cholesterol
  • Triglycerides


We also check your blood glucose to screen for diabetes mellitus when doing this test.  Glucose is the main source of energy in the body.  High levels may be an indicator of diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance.  There are different types of diabetes caused by a lack of insulin, not enough insulin, or lack of effectiveness of insulin.  Insulin is a hormone produced by the body and its job is to lock away glucose in muscle and liver until it is needed.  Uncontrolled high levels of blood glucose can cause damage to the eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels and nerves.

Your Results

If your total cholesterol is over 5mmol/litre we will advise you to see your GP for further investigation. We will also provide you with lifestyle and dietary advice that can help you improve your cholesterol profile.

Normal levels of glucose are between 4 and 6 mmol/litre (fasting) and between 4 and 7 mmol/litre (non-fasting).  We will advise that you see your GP for further investigation  if your level is outside levels .  If your level is above 10 (fasting) or 12 mmol/litre (non-fasting) and you pass a lot of urine or feel very thirsty we will advise that you see your doctor urgently.


Fortune’s Pharmacy perform our cholesterol and diabetes screening tests to current national standards and we participate in an external quality assurance scheme.  We will retain your data  in accordance with the provisions of GDPR, our own Data Retention Policy, and current pharmacy best practice.  Your data is confidential and will not be shared with anybody else without your consent.   If we recommend that you see your GP for follow-up it is your responsibility to arrange this.  We advise that you bring a copy of your test results with you.

We recommend that you make an appointment before availing of our cholesterol and diabetes screening test. Please contact us to organise your cholesterol screening test today or book online by clicking below.  The cost of the test is €30.00